Saturday, September 5, 2015


In the first week it was to come out an idea to work for this semester. For my project, I want to study the questions that how the value of an artwork is determined, and what kind of measurements people use to evaluate an art piece.
I thought of some elements people may base on, such as how the work or the author has been widely known, the identity of the author, whether the work follow the public taste or not, the uniqueness the work has, or if the work contains technical skills.
So far, my initial idea for this project is to present it as a board game. The player, or audience who interact with it, would be the role as art collector. The game would provide images of different art works to the player and ask them to choose. During the process of playing, it may help me to find out possible answers for the question that how an art work is evaluated by the people.

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